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ACTIVE Reviewing Tips
for dynamic experiential learning

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Active Reviewing for Newcomers

Roger Greenaway's Active Reviewing Tips 9.4 ~ ISSN 1465-8046
A free monthly publication from Reviewing Skills Training

ARTips 9.4  Active Reviewing for Newcomers


The previous issue 'Reviewing for Teams' is now at


I am feeling a bit smug having fulfilled my New Year's Resolution
before 2008 has arrived. My resolution is to publish an issue of
Active Reviewing Tips every month. This also means that future
issues will be shorter (no doubt a welcome improvement for some
of you). After a few more issue, Active
Reviewing Tips will be moving to a paid list service. It will
still be free to you :-) At your end the change will be fairly
seamless. If anything should go wrong you can always find your
way back by checking the latest news at <http://reviewing.co.uk>

PLEASE don't wait for these changes before you recommend this
newsletter to your friends, colleagues and pets. In fact, this is
the perfect issue with which to start (or resume) the
recommending habit - as it is specially written for those who are
new to facilitating active reviewing.

And not wanting to leave anyone out, my series of extracts from
Dynamic Debriefing continues with 'The Experience of Debriefing'
- to be followed by the section on 'sequencing' in January.

This issue is the 6th in the series of 'Reviewing for ____'...
Development / Fun / Results / All / Teams and now 'Newcomers'.
The January issue will be 'Reviewing for Leaders'.

THANK YOU to those of you who have already requested new topics
in the 'Reviewing For ___' series. I look forward to receiving
more comments, requests, ideas, feedback, etc. It all helps (and
inspires) me to develop Active Reviewing Tips into a regular and
innovative resource for supporting dynamic learning.

I wish you happy holidays and a 2008 in which you make
breakthroughs in helping others to learn from experience.
Which is what I will be trying to do through this newsletter,
through my website and through providing trainer-training
workshops throughout the world which in 2008 will include 3
countries I'll be visiting for the first time: Taiwan, Finland
and Australia.

I look forward to meeting and re-meeting some of you in 2008.

Roger Greenaway
Reviewing Skills Training

P.S. A regular visitor to my website had not noticed that all the
profits I make from my Active Learning Bookshop go to Save the

+ it is the quickest and easiest way of finding the best and
latest books in our subject area

+ it is a way in which you can support this newsletter by giving
to charity: instead of sponsoring me on a 'charity run', you can
sponsor me on a 'charity write' by shopping in a way that
supports Save the Children at: <http://reviewing.co.uk/reviews>

Now the bit you've been waiting for...


 ~ 2.1 ~ How to Plan a Successful Review
 ~ 2.2 ~ Top 10 Tools
 ~ 2.3 ~ Top 10 Tips
 ~ 2.4 ~ What Could Possibly Go Wrong?


> What kind of review would meet the needs of the participants?
> What preparation would help to produce this kind of review?
> What kind of experience would lead into this kind of review?
> What kind of activity would create this kind of experience?

> When and how are group aims and objectives decided?
> When and how are individual aims and objectives decided?
> Don't lose sight of original objectives, but be prepared to
welcome new ones.

> Immediately after the event?
> After a short break?
> Next week?
> A quick on-the-spot review, followed by a longer one later?
> Same duration as the activity? Or shorter? Or longer?

> Where the activity took place? (While experiences are fresh and
are the natural topic of conversation, and while it is easier to
demonstrate a point or repeat parts of the activity)
> While walking, travelling or eating? (Providing a chance for
informal reviewing, especially with 'loud' or 'quiet' individuals
who find it difficult to participate in a group setting)
> The review room? (Ideal surroundings? Comfortable? Air-
conditioned? Quiet? No interruption or distraction? Plenty of
space and resources?)

> How structured, efficient and business-like?
> How informal, easygoing and free-flowing?
> A structured start and finish with a free-flowing middle?

> Covering lots of ground quickly or one aspect in depth?
> Using several reviewing methods or just one?

> No contract or agreement unless problems arise?
> Rules are expressed positively? (more do's than don'ts)
> Agreeing principles rather than rules? (more respect for
> What is negotiable? What is not negotiable? (your values?)

> How will you maintain high levels of involvement for each
> How will you help those who cannot express themselves readily?
(especially as they may have the greatest need to do so)

> How will you decide when to finish? Will this be agreed in
> Will important points be summarised? How? (as learning? as
actions? as questions? for everyone or for individuals?)
> How will you gauge and attend to emotional needs at the end?

> How will you help learners work out realistic follow-up action?
> How will learners be supported during transfer? (learning
buddies? other stakeholders in the success of their learning?)

> How will you gauge the success of your review?
(Try this: <http://reviewing.co.uk/evaluation/evalform.htm>)
> How will you learn from this experience? (personal recording?
feedback from participants? feedback from colleagues?)

If you are consistent and sincere in your values, variations in
your role and style will encourage participants to try out
different roles and styles themselves. (The reviewer's role and
style can vary considerably according to which methods are

Remember that you are helping people to learn from their
experience. Encourage them to develop reviewing skills. Listen to
their ideas and you, and they, will have many more methods from
which to choose.

The questions above are based on my earlier writing in Playback


When I first selected a 'basic toolkit' for reviewing (14 years
ago) I described 8 methods. Only one of those methods has made it
into the top ten below. How come? Well a lot has happened in the
last 14 years and I have developed a bigger and better range of
tools from which to choose.

Any newcomer to facilitating active reviewing should be able to
use any of the 10 methods below with reasonable success. (More
experienced facilitators will naturally get more value from these
methods.) Most of the methods do depend on clear and concise
briefing (preferably inspirational too!), but these methods are
unlikely to require much in the way of skilled facilitation.

Of course, if it is a 'difficult' group, you will also need
skills for working with 'difficult' groups. But even 'difficult'
groups are likely to respond far better to these methods than
they would to a facilitated discussion - which in my view is one
of the hardest things to do well in any group!

Enough preamble, here is the list (in no particular order):
  1. Mid-Activity Review
  2. Find a Picture or Object
  3. Learning Buddies
  4. Hokey-Cokey
  5. Spokes
  6. Brief Encounters
  7. Simultaneous Survey
  8. Empathy Test
  9. Missing Person
  10. Horseshoe


The problem with reviewing at the end of an event or activity is
that any learning may be too late (such as "Yes, we should have
bolted the stable door"). Participants are often more motivated
to review if they are mid-way through a task and are struggling
or looking for a better way. Give them time out to review what's
going well and where there's room for improvement. There is a
high risk that an open discussion will be dominated by a few, so
use the 1-2-ALL strategy (below) to even things out a bit and
involve everyone in the process.

To make the review more active and focused, you can ask the group
to produce 'FREEZE FRAMES' or 'VIDEO CLIPS' of their best and
worst moments (rather than just talking about them).


If indoors you need plenty of pictures or objects available. If
outdoors, there should be a wide variety of objects people can
pick up (e.g. on beaches or in forests) without damaging the
environment. The structure is simple. You have one or two
questions that you want people to think deeply about. They then
look for pictures or objects that in some way answer your
question(s). You then meet in a circle and each person introduces
their picture/object and explains why they chose it.

All you need is a good question or two. But whatever your
questions, you are sure to get better quality responses than if
you ask the same questions to the group or in a round.

3) LEARNING BUDDIES (an example of 1-2-ALL)

There are many ways of using learning buddies. The simplest
method is to ask individuals to write down two or three personal
objectives in advance of the activity. (Alternatively, each
person can choose from a ready-made set of cards) Each person
pairs up with a learning buddy and gives their cards to their
buddy. Allow time for learning buddies to add any extra
explanation if needed. At a break in the activity and/or at the
end of the activity, learning buddies get together and discuss
how well they have achieved their objectives.

To make the review more active, ask each person to place each of
their 3 cards on a scale on the floor showing how well they have
performed (self-assessment). Learning buddies then talk with each
other about how they could improve their scores (or change an
objective) for the next activity. End by asking each person to
make a statement to the larger group about one achievement they
are pleased about and one objective they want to take into the
next activity.

This version of Learning Buddies is about self-assessment rather
than having partners give feedback. The feedback version is more
ambitious and is called 'Goal Keepers'.
Goal Keepers: <http://reviewing.co.uk/archives/art/1_6.htm#1>


This is for younger groups. [Older groups may prefer a more
'mature' way of analysing success by making a 'Success Chart'

For 'Hokey-Cokey', all sit or stand in a circle. Ask 'What did
you do well as a team?' As each person gives an answer they step
into the circle. If anyone is left on the outside, others can
suggest a new answer for that person to 'use' to step inside the
circle. You now have a huddle of people in the middle. The next
question  is 'What did someone do well as a team member?' This is
effectively an invitation to give positive feedback to others. As
each person is given (and accepts) one genuine positive comment
they step back to the original circle. You reach a stage where
two or three people are in the middle waiting for positive
feedback. You may need to prompt or coax or give feedback

To add value to this exercise you can encourage people in the
middle to stay there until they are satisfied with the feedback
they have received or you can raise the stakes and ask that
everyone receives 2, 3, 4 or 5 positive statements.

Compared to 'Rounds', Hokey-Cokey is more lively and more
involving as everyone works harder towards the end of each stage
as they try to include everyone. Unlike 'Rounds' where there is a
predictable order, Hokey-Cokey is a random order which tends to
leave those who were not much noticed as the centre of attention
and the last to receive feedback. ['Hokey-Cokey' refers to the
dance where there is movement into and out from the circle.]


Like Hokey-Cokey, Spokes spotlights what individuals contribute
to success, but it starts with self-evaluation and it lends
itself to exploring a range of themes that contribute to success.
It also involves positive feedback, especially for those who give
themselves a low rating at the self-evaluation stage.


This one of the most dependable methods of all, but it does
itself depend on having a good set of questions suited to your
group and to the theme or purpose of the programme.


In Brief Encounters (just above) the encounters are random and
there is no collating of information. Simultaneous Survey looks
the same (from a distance) but everyone is carrying out a survey
and making a note of the answers and then summarising them to the
whole group. Depending on numbers (of people and questions),
surveys can be carried out by small teams rather than by


For this guessing game you will need a good set of questions
suited to your group. If ever you feel tempted to ask for a show
of hands or you are looking for a scaled response (showing happy
levels, energy levels, involvement level etc.) then Empathy Test
does this and a whole lot more. A more challenging version is
'Egoing' so is not included here, but it is just a click away:


This may seem like an eccentric method to include in 'tools for
newcomers', so here are 3 good reasons for including it:
- Once you have briefed it (well) it looks after itself.
- It is one of the most engaging ways I know of getting a group
to look at its strengths and weaknesses.
- If it takes off, it provides a team with a mascot for future
activities and is therefore good for learning transfer.


I think of this method as the facilitator's friend. You can
instantly see where everyone stands on an issue. You can easily
warm people up to the topic at the 'talk-to-your-neighbour'
stage. And it is entirely up to you how long you try to sustain a
whole group discussion before moving on to another Horseshoe topic
- or something else. As with all the methods above, the more you
get to use them the better they will work.


These tips are for newcomers and experienced reviewers alike.
They were first published in my article on Practical Debriefing
for Fenman. (TRAIN the TRAINER Issue 21 ©Fenman Limited 2004)

1. Ask ‘What else?’

To get beyond people’s initial responses to a question, try
asking: What else did you notice? What else were you thinking?
What else went well?

2. Ask ‘Why? Why? Why?’

To analyse success or failure more deeply just keep asking
‘why?’. But this may seem very aggressive. So explain in advance
why you will keep asking ‘why?’ (and be ready to face the ‘why?’
challenge yourself!). The responder may stop the process at any
point without explanation. This works well as a paired exercise.

3. Review anywhere anytime

Reviewing ‘little and often’ is part of the culture in BP-Amoco,
Motorola and General Electric. ‘After Action Reviews’ are
embedded into their way of working. The ‘little and often’
principle also applies to training programmes. Quick impromptu
debriefs can be even more powerful than the scheduled ones. So
use both!

4. Ask ‘What worked well?'

However good or bad the performance, it is good to acknowledge
what worked well and trace the causes. Performance improvement
comes from studying success as well as from studying failure.

5. Provide notebooks

Learning from experience cannot be recorded in advance! Provide
notebooks for recording experiences, ideas and applications.
Provide guidance about note taking and the time to do it well.

6. Use review tasks

If participants respond well to tasks but less well to debriefs,
then make the debrief a task. The task can be to create a news
report or mind map or flow chart or to prepare a demonstration
showing what they would keep and change if doing the same task

7. Keep moving

If people always sit in the same seats they can both look and
feel stuck. Keep changing the group dynamics, use subgroups, vary
the review tasks, change the pace and style. Keep some routines,
but you won't break the mould by staying in one!

8. Review the review

You will become better at debriefing if you regularly review your
debriefing sessions. So review the reviews as well as the
training exercises. Everyone will benefit.

9. Use several models

There is no single model that is so superior that it should be
followed to the exclusion of others. There are more good ways of
learning than can be captured in any single model - just as there
is no perfect model for a good conversation.

10. Be a model

The most important model is you. Find opportunities to
demonstrate that you are learning from experience. Join in some
of your own reviewing exercises. Seek feedback at suitable
opportunities. Taste some of your own medicine.


Big fears and little fears can get in the way of learning
anything new. So what fears might facilitators have about
reviewing - especially facilitators who are new to reviewing?


Passing is OK (especially if you promote 'Challenge by Choice').
Silence is also OK - especially if it is a reflective silence.
Participants without answers may have questions they want to ask
- so ask if they have questions. Give learners thinking time, and
then time talking with a partner, and they will be better
prepared for speaking up in a large group. Or you can use methods
that do not involve learners talking - such as Guided Reflection.
Or you can use visual methods where drawings, pictures or objects
do some of the 'talking'.


It is helpful to pitch the review at a suitably challenging
level. You can also design the review as a challenging task, such
as by:
- asking learners to reenact key events, or write news reports in
the style of certain newspapers or magazines
- or by asking subgroups to prepare balanced feedback for each
individual in another subgroup.
Responsibilities within reviews (such as observer, learning
buddy, artist, chair) provide challenge and purpose, especially
when individuals volunteer for specific responsibilities. Better
still if participants receive appreciative feedback from their
peers about how they perform their special responsibility.


General discussion about the group's performance tend to produce
repetition and cliché. So ask for examples that may have gone
unnoticed. Or focus the discussion on individual performance.
This is most easily done using methods 5 and 8 above: in 'Spokes'
each person evaluates their own performance on a scale and then
receives positive feedback from others - with specific examples
where possible. In 'Empathy Test' people find out just how well
they know each other's experiences or opinions related to the
event being reviewed.


So allow passing and opting out and you can also agree an easy
way that any participant can stop the group process if they have
concerns (e.g. by using a symbol or a stop word). This encourages
individuals to take responsibility for themselves and for
influencing the group's developing code of conduct. Be clear
about what you want to achieve from a review, and that you want
to avoid any discomfort (such as acute embarrassment) that gets
in the way of learning.


It is inevitable that you lose some control because you are not a
teacher feeding data into the learning process. The core process
is that of learners reflecting on their own experiences. In many
cases you will be giving learners the tools to help them explore
and learn from their own experiences. The chances are that you
already give learners quite a high level of independence and
responsibility within the task that you will later review.
Assuming that they can already handle some independence and
responsibility during the task, there is really no need or
benefit in seizing it all back in the review. Try to be clear
with groups when you want the reins, when you want them to take
the reins and when you want to share the reins. By being clear to
yourself and to learners about this you are more likely to have
the amount of control you need to be a successful facilitator of
active reviewing.

See next ...



A starting point for all reviewing is to create a favourable
climate for learning. Carl Rogers describes the ultimate
favourable learning climate in Freedom to Learn (1969):

"When I have been able to transform a group - and here I mean all
of the members of a group, myself included - into a community of
learners, then the excitement has been almost beyond belief. To
free curiosity, to permit individuals to go charging off in new
directions dictated by their own interests; to unleash the sense
of enquiry; to open everything to questioning and exploration; to
recognise that everything is in the process of change - here is
an experience I can never forget."

And then a pig walks in!

Does this happen to you? You work hard to find a good venue and
create that wonderful climate for learning and then with a bang,
or a bell or a snort or a squirt - everything changes.

* One sunny morning a pig from nowhere did wander into the centre
of our learning circle. Some men with guns on horseback turned up
and chased it away. I don't know whether it was the pig or the
guns or the horses - but we lost focus.

* Another time, another place ... We were sat in a circle. I was
sat opposite a portrait of the first lady - and out crawled a
gecko from behind it. I lost my focus.

* I can't always blame animals. Last week it was an
intermittently faulty fire alarm, and our two minutes of quiet
reflection coincided with a Jingle Bells sing-along from a party
happening just outside our door.

* That was in a city centre. so how about a nice country retreat
run by Quakers? What could be more peaceful? Not on the day when
the volunteer gardeners come in to clip hedges and mow lawns.

* How about the privacy of a secluded 5 star hotel at the end of
a mile long private driveway? Not on the day they repair the
slate roof and clean the windows. The cleaner's extended hose
reached up to our first floor windows, but his eyesight didn't.
We and our papers got a soaking through the open windows.

* This summer in Transylvania we were outside in a thunderstorm
with giant hailstones. Just like the movie - I should have known.

* Or there was a blizzard that closed our school for two weeks.
When the children came back, guess what they were talking about!
The blizzard became the deliberate focus of my English classes
for several days.

So sometimes, just sometimes, an intrusion creates a new and
better focus. And sometimes, just sometimes, even a cramped
environment is OK for active learning ...

* I remember getting excited about working in a brand new
'learning centre'. I didn't know we were going to be in the
boardroom with a huge oval table taking up all the space. The
table had an oval space in the middle making it look like a
racetrack. With drinking straws and screwed up paper balls it
became the perfect venue for blow football racing.

Do you have any stories about 'that elusive climate for learning'
which you would like to share? If so, please write to me at
<mailto:roger@reviewing.co.uk> with 'elusive' somewhere in the
subject line. I'll assume it is for publishing unless you say


Dynamic Debriefing is the title of the chapter I wrote for the
'Handbook of Experiential Learning' ed. Mel Silberman (2007)

Part 1 defines debriefing and asks 'What is Dynamic Debriefing?'
See <http://reviewing.co.uk/archives/art/9_1.htm>

Part 2 on 'The Role of the Facilitator' is at

Part 3 on 'Models of Debriefing' is at

Here is Part 4: which was also available in Russian Russia at http://www.metodmaster.ru/articles/opyt-debrifinga


The experience of debriefing (meaning what participants
experience during a debrief) is as important as the debriefing of
experience. What participants experience during the debrief will
influence their whole attitude towards learning from experience,
both in the present and in the future. These are some of the
'experiential' factors that the facilitator needs to keep in
touch with during the debriefing process.

>> Balancing positive and negative experiences

People learn from success as well as from mistakes. Reliving
positive experiences can be a very powerful way of harnessing the
energy and insights found in the experience. In fact, much
debriefing in experiential learning deliberately encourages
people to draw strength, learning and inspiration from positive
experiences. Because people learn from both positive and negative
experiences, we should encourage and support both kinds of
learning. When learning comes from a negative experience, people
want to take the learning but leave the experience behind; when
learning comes from a positive experience, people want to carry
forwards both the learning and the experience. In both cases it
is helpful if the learning process itself is enjoyable, vivid and
memorable no matter what nature of the experience from which the
learning was generated. Otherwise there is a risk that the
original experience sticks in the mind, but what was learned from
it during the debrief evaporates.

>> Creating a climate for learning

Some participants may feel most at home and even 'in flow' during
training exercises. They relish each new challenge and enjoy
putting their skills to the test, they like being in a highly
motivated team and (if successful) they savour their
accomplishment as they 'high five' each other at the end. Other
participants may feel more at home in the debrief where
(typically) the pace slows down, each person is listened to,
misunderstandings and conflicts are resolved, the 'important'
stuff happens, and the point of it all becomes clear: learning is
identified and recorded and is even put into a plan. Some
participants may feel a bit peripheral and uncomfortable during
the training exercise, whereas others may feel peripheral and
uncomfortable during the debrief. This matters. The quality of
the experience matters both in the training exercise and in the
debrief. Arguably, the quality of the experience matters even
more in the debrief - because debriefing should always be
happening in a highly supportive learning climate in which it is
safe to speak out and take risks. A favourable learning climate
is not only better at generating learning, it also helps to make
learning satisfying and enjoyable. It is an extra bonus if
participants' desire to learn is rekindled.

>> Improving the climate for learning

The facilitator should be able to provide optimal conditions for
learning for each participant. The wise facilitator will not jump
to a learning styles theory as 'the' explanation of why some
participants are not optimally engaged in the learning process.
'Learning style' is only one of many possible explanations - and
the wise facilitator will already know the importance of ensuring
that debriefs result in full engagement of all learning styles,
no matter what the profile of people's learning style preferences
might be. The most straightforward advice is to ask each learner
what is helping or hindering their learning or what would improve
the learning environment for them. Then take action to improve
it. (Krupp, 1985)

>> Creating a climate for all 'learning styles'

If a participant says they are not comfortable sitting and
talking because they see themselves as a 'hands-on' learner who
has to do things, you can always offer them something practical
to do within the debrief. For example, you could ask the
participant to tell the story of their team's development by
making a series of patterns with pebbles (with each pebble
representing a team member). You can side-step the issue of
whether people who see themselves as 'hands-on' learners really
do need to touch things in order to learn, because what you are
doing is looking for a means of engaging the person in reflective
learning. If the person believes they have to touch and do things
in order to learn, feed that belief with a suitable task that
requires both action and reflection. The example with the pebbles
above is not a special technique reserved for people who like to
be active: it is a useful method for getting any team to
communicate about their development as a team.

>> Using all minds

Debriefing is primarily the province of the rational mind.
However, there are many theories that give a broader picture of
the mind's abilities, so it also makes sense to harness all (or
most) of these within the debriefing process. If we have seven or
eight intelligences (Gardner, 1993), including emotional
intelligence (Golman, 1995), a left brain and a right brain
(Sperry, 1980), an experiential mind and a rational mind
(Epstein, 1989), and a multitude of learning styles (for which
there are over 100 theories!) then it makes sense to use
debriefing methods that also tap into some of these other mental

One view of experiential learning is that a complete learning
cycle does draw in all learning styles, and so if participants
are patient enough they will be alert and motivated during at
least one part of the cycle - when it happens to come around.
What does this view mean for those who come alive in the activity
and fail to achieve any meaningful involvement during the
debrief? Some facilitators may hope that the buzz from the
activity may keep a buzz going during debriefing, but how much
better it would be if the debriefing session itself was a source
of buzz - rather than being heavily biased towards only one or
two learning styles.

>> Engaging the experiential mind and the rational mind

We do not have on-off switches for experiencing. We do not stop
experiencing when the debrief begins. Similarly we do not stop
thinking and reflecting while taking part in a training exercise.
In fact training exercises are usually designed to be so
challenging that as participants we summon up all that we can
from prior experience of similar situations to help us contribute
in a useful way to achieving the task. The way in which we take
part will also be influenced by recent experiences with this
group and by any learning that we have gained so far from working
and learning together. In fact there may not be very much
difference between the learning processes taking place during a
training exercise (i.e. drawing on past experience) and the
learning processes taking place during the debrief (i.e. drawing
on past experience!).

Experience-based learning (especially when it is also adventure-
based) creates experiences that can be enriching, intensive,
confusing or complex. If the quality of the experience is to have
maximum impact for learning, then it must be matched by
debriefing methods that are capable of dealing with the depth,
essence and richness of the original experience. If the
debriefing methods offered are merely discussion-based, then the
less discussible aspects of experience will remain untapped and
unharnessed. Important sources of power, energy and insight will
remain neglected and under used. In the methods section of this
chapter you will find some practical ways of generating a range
of experiences within a debriefing session - thus allowing all
(or most) minds, including the experiential mind, to be active
and alert.

... to be continued in the next issue of Active Reviewing Tips
where you can learn about 'Sequencing in Debriefing' - another
extract from my chapter on Dynamic Debriefing in Mel Silberman's 'Handbook of Experiential Learning' (2007). See
Amazon.co.uk: <http://digbig.com/4rwnf> or



Active Reviewing Skills for Facilitators and Trainers
Ripley Castle  HG3 3AY

Thursday 31st Jan - Friday 1st Feb 2008

JANUARY 2008: Denmark
Organisationspsykologerne & Reviewing Skills Training present ...

ON THE EDGE: a 2 day seminar for consultants who are helping
individuals and groups to improve their performance and learning
in working situations. The seminar combines active reviewing with
artistic work.
January 15th and 16th 2008

Trainers: Roger Greenaway and Claus Dahl.

MARCH 2008: London

Eureka! presents ...

Thursday 13 March 2008 and Friday 14 March 2008
Central London

Wednesday 12 March 2008
Tips For Trainers In Action, Facilitated by David Gibson
Facilitating Effective Reviews, Facilitated by Dr Roger Greenaway

MARCH 2008: Derbyshire

I am providing a workshop on 'Making Reviewing an Adventure' at
the Festival of Outdoor Learning (7-9th March, 2008) 

** Please contact roger@reviewing.co.uk if you want more
information about these events or if you are interested in
hosting an open workshop closer to your home - or a customised
trainer-training event for your organisation or network. **

Other events on my calendar are 'closed' events designed for the
particular needs of a client (and are not shown here).


Please support SAVE THE CHILDREN by buying your books (and any
other Amazon goods) via the ACTIVE LEARNING BOOKSHOP.







Roger's Active Learning Bookshop has raised over £500 for Save
the Children since January 2006 - thanks to everyone who has been
shopping at the Active Learning Bookshop.

If you have other purchases you want to make at Amazon please go
there via <http://reviewing.co.uk/reviews> Not only do you get a
good deal, so do children around the world who need our help.
I worked for Save the Children for 4 years so I know about the
value and quality of the work they do.

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