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Powerful Learning Experiences
in Management Learning and Development



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Acland, J. (1982) An Analysis of Development Training at Brathay Hall (unpublished research report) Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Adelfer, C. (1972) Existence, Relatedness and Growth Collier Macmillan, New York. [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Allcock, R.S. (1988) Development Training: A Personal View, Endeavour Training, Birmingham

AMED (1991) Developing the Developers: the Quality of the Professionals who Develop People and Organisations Association for Management Education and Development, London.

Argyris C., and Schon, D. (1974) Theory in Practice : Increasing Professional Effectiveness Jossey-Bass, San Francisco.

Bacon, S. (1983) The Conscious Use of Metaphor in Outward Bound Colorado Outward Bound School, U.S.A.

Barrett, J. and Greenaway, R. (1995) Untitled review of research about the ways in which adventure-based learning affects young people's personal and social development, Foundation for Outdoor Adventure, Coventry. [Due to be published in June 1995]

Bateson, G. (1973) Steps to an Ecology of Mind

Beeby, J.M., and Rathborn, S. (1983) "Development Training - Using the Outdoors in Management Development" Management Education and Development 14 3, 170-181.

Bereiter, C. (1970) "Educational Implications, J. Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental view" Interchange 1 (1) 25-32 [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Black, M.O. Outdoor Experiential Management Training: A Grounded Theory About Process and Outcomes (dissertation) Department of Educational Psychology, University of Utah.

Blocher, D. (1966) Developmental Counseling The Ronald Press Co.

Boot R, and Reynolds M. (1984) "Rethinking Experience Based Events" in Cox, C. and Beck, J. (1984) Management Development: Advances in Practice and Theory, Wiley.

Boud, D. (1989) in his "Foreword" to Weil, S.W. and McGill, I. (Eds.) (1989) Making Sense of Experiential Learning: diversity in theory and practice The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press, Buckingham.

Burgoyne, J.G. and Hodgson, V.E. (1982) Natural Learning and Managerial Action: A Phenomenological Study in Field Setting Centre for the Study of Management Learning, University of Lancaster.

Burgoyne, J. and Stuart, R. (1976) "The Nature, Use and Acquisition of Managerial Skills and Other Attributes" Personnel Review 5, 4, 19-29.

Butcher, G. (1991) "Creating the Right Environment for Training Managers" Training and Development June 1991, 26-30, The Institute of Training and Development.

Campbell, B. and Campbell, M. (1972) Brathay: the first Twenty-Five Years 1947-1972, The Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Daft, R.L. (1983) "Learning the Craft of Organizational Research" Academy of Management Review 8 4, 539-546.

Dale A., and Payne, R. (1976) Consulting Interventions Using Structured Instruments: A Critique (seminar working paper), Groningen, Holland. [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Davies, J. and Easterby-Smith (1984) "Learning and Developing from Managerial Work Experiences" Journal of Management Studies 21 2, 169-183.

Dewey, J. (1934: 56) [source: Kolb, 1984: 132]

Dewey, J. (1938) Experience and Education Kappa Delta, then Collier, New York.

Doughty, S. (1991) "Three Generations of Development Training" Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership 7 4, 7-9

Easterby-Smith, M. "Management Research: Paradigms, Purposes and Issues" in Chapman A.(Ed.) (c.1985) What has management research got to do with managers? 9-16.

Eisner, E.W. (1985) The Art of Educational Evaluation: A Personal View The Falmer Press.

Everard, K.B. (1993) The History of Development Training published by the author, chair of DTAG (the Development Training Advisory Group) funded by DTAG and ICI

Evered, R. (1981) "Management Education for the Year 2000" Chapter One in Cooper, C.L. Developing Managers for the 1980s Macmillan Press.

Ewart, A. (1987) "Research in Experiential Education: An Overview" Journal of Experiential Education Association for Experiential Education, Boulder, Colorado.

Fineman, S. and Mangham, I (1983) "Data, Meanings and Creativity: A Preface" Journal of Management Studies 20 (3) 295-300. [Source: Snell, R. (1988) The Phenomenological Study of Managerial Learning in Day to Day Work, CSML]

Flor, R. (1991) "Building Bridges Between Organization Development and Experiential/Adventure Education" The Journal of Experiential Education 14 3, 27-34.

Galagan, P. (1987) "Between Two Trapezes" Training and Development Journal March 1987, 40-48, The American Society for Training and Development.

Giges, B. and Rosenfeld, E. (1976) "Personal Growth, Encounter and Self-Awareness Groups" Chapter 3 in Rosenbaum M. and Snadowsky, A. (Eds.) The Intensive Group Experience The Free Press, Collier Macmillan.

Glaser, B. and Strauss, A. (1967) The Discovery of Grounded Theory: strategies for qualitative research Aldine.

Greenaway R., and Bill, C. (1989) The Competencies of Development Trainers Manpower Services Commission, Sheffield.

Greenaway, R. and Crowther, S. (1983) "Work at Brathay Hall on 'Active Reviewing of Experience'" Bulletin Winter 1983, 22-24, Group Relations Training Association.

Greenaway, R. (1993) Playback: A Guide to Reviewing Activities The Duke of Edinburgh's Award in association with Endeavour Scotland, Edinburgh

Greenaway, R. and Crowther, S. (1984) "Development Training" Bulletin Winter 1984, 9-12, Group Relations Training Association.

Greenaway, R. (1995) Reviewing Adventures National Association for Outdoor Education, Sheffield. (in print)

Greenaway, R. (1990) More Than Activities Save the Children Fund, London

Greenaway, R. (1986) The Training and Development of Development Trainers (unpublished research report), Brathay Hall Trust, Ambleside

Greenaway, R. (1985) "The Mapping of Development Training as Distinctive Approach in Education and Training" (a paper presented at a meeting at Brathay of the steering group of the Action Research with Development Trainers Project)

Hague, H. (1979) Helping Managers to Help Themselves Context, Oxford.

Hedin, D. (1980) "Evaluating Experiential Learning" Change 2-9. [Source: Kraft and Sakofs (Eds.) (undated) The Theory of Experiential Learning, Association for Experiential Learning, Boulder, Colorado]

Heider, J. (1985) The Tao of Leadership, Wildwood House, Aldershot.

Hemmings, R. (1972) Summerhill

Hogan, J.M. (1968) Impelled into Experiences: The Story of The Outward Bound Schools, Educational Producations Ltd.

Holroyde, G. (1986) "Development Training" (The Chairman of the Governing Body of the Brathay Hall Trust proposed this definition at a meeting of the Developing Development Trainers Steering Group, Dunchurch).

Honey, P. and Mumford, A. (1982) The Manual of Learning Styles Peter Honey, Berkshire.

Hopkins, D. and Putnam, R. (1993) Personal Growth Through Adventure, David Fulton Publishers, London

James, T. (1980) "The Moral Equivalent of War" in McDermott, J.J. (Ed.) The Writings of William James, Random House, New York.

Johnson, G. (1981) "Environmental Change - Implications for Organisation and Management Development" Management Education and Development 12, 3, 145-163.

Juch, A. (1983) Personal Development: Theory and Practice in Management Training Shell International, Wiley.

Kanter, R.M. (1976) "The Romance of Community: Intentional Communities as Intensive Group Experiences" Chapter 5 in Rosenbaum, M. and Snadowsky, A. (Eds.) The Intensive Group Experience The Free Press, Collier Macmillan.

Kelleher, D., Finestone, P. and Lowy, A. (1986) "Managerial Learning: First Notes from and Unstudied Frontier", Group and Organisation Studies 11 (3) 169-202.

Kelly, G.A. (1955) Theory of Personality : The Psychology of Personal Constructs W.W. Norton, New York.

King, K.V. (1988) "The role of adventure in the experiential learning process" Journal of Experiential Education 11 2, 4-8. [source: Flor, 1991]

Kohlberg, L. (1970) "Reply to Bereiter's statement on Kohlberg's cognitive-developmental view" Interchange 1 No.1 40-48. [source Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Kolb, D.A. (1984) Experiential Learning: Experience as the Source of Learning and Development Prentice-Hall Inc., New Jersey.

Kolb, D.A., Lublin, S. and Spoth, J. (1986) "Strategic Management Development: Using Experiential Learning Theory to Asses and Develop Managerial Competencies" Journal of Management Development 5, 3, 13-24.

Kolb, D.A. (1976) Learning Style Inventory Technical Manual McBer and Co., Boston.

Krupp, J-A. (1985) "Hey World, Adults are People Too! A Holistic View of Adult Learners" The International Journal of Higher Education 2, 1, 25-32 (The Official Journal of the University Without Walls International Council)

Lakin, M. (1976) "The Human Relations Training Laboratory: A Special Case of the Experiential Group" in Rosenbaum, M. and Snadowsky A. (Eds.) (1976) The Intensive Group Experience The Free Press, Collier Macmillan.

Langer, J. (1969) "Disequilibrium as a source: of development" in Mussen, P.H., Langer, J. and Covington, M. (Eds) Trends and Issues in Developmenental Psychology Holt, Rinehart, and Winston, New York, 22-37. [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Leschner, M. (1988) "The process of consensus" Journal of Experiential Education 11 3, 10-14. [source: Flor, 1991]

Light D., Jr. (1979) "Surface Data and Deep Structure: Observing the Organization of Professional Training" © Cornell University, Administrative Science Quarterly 24 551-559.

Loevinger, J. (1966) Ego Development Jossey-Bass, San Francisco. [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Logan, A. and Stuart, R. (1987) "'Action Based Learning': Are Activity and Experience the Same?" Industrial and Commercial Training March/April.

Long, J.W. (1987) "The Wilderness Comes of Age" Training and Development Journal March 1987, 30-39, The American Society for Training and Development.

Loynes, C. (1990) "Development Training in the United Kingdom" in Miles, J. and Priest, S. (Eds.) Adventure Education Venture Publishing Inc. PA.

Mangham, I. L. (1981) The Management of Creativity [see the more recent The Fine Art of Management]

Manka, Z. (Ed.) (1992) "How to choose your OMD provider" (advertising feature) Training Officer 28 7, 216-227

Mant, A. (1981) "Developing Effective Managers for the Future: Learning Through Experience" Chapter 5 in Cooper, C.L. Developing Managers for the 1980's Macmillan Press

Maslow, A. (1968) Towards a Psychology of Being Von Nostrand, New York. [source: Pedler and Boydell, 1980]

Maughan, P. (1991) "A Breath of Fresh Air" Training March 1991. 8-10

Morgan G. and L. Smircich (1980) "The Case for Qualitative Research" Academy of Management Review 5 4, 491-500.

Mossman, A. (1983) "Making Choices about the Use of the Outdoors in Manager and Management Development" Management Education and Development 14 3, 182-96.

Nadler, R.S. and Luckner, J.L. (1989) Processing the Experience : Strategies to Enhance and Generalize Learning Kendall Hunt Publishing Company. [source: Flor, 1991]

Osborne, D. (1991) "Outward Bound for Management" Training and Development June 1991, 19-22, The Institute of Training and Development.

Outdoor Training" (advertising feature) Transition July, 1990.

Parlett, M.R. and Hamilton, D.F. (1972) Evaluation as Illumination: a new approach to the study of innovatory programmes University of Edinburgh, Centre for Research in the Educational Sciences, Occasional Paper No. 9.

Passons, W.R. (1975) "Theoretical Components of Gestalt Therapy" in Gestalt Approaches in Counselling Chapter 2: 11-25, Holt, Rinehart and Winston.

Pedler, M. and Boydell, T. (1980) "Is All Management Development Self-Development?" Chapter 11 in Beck, J. and Cox, C. (Eds.) Advances in Management Education Wiley.

Perls, F.S., Hefferline, R.F., and Goodman, P. (1951) Gestalt Therapy: Excitement and Growth in Human Personality Dell Publising Co. New York.

Pfeiffer, W. and Jones, J.E. (1975) A Handbook of Structured Experiences for Human Relations Training Vols. 1-5, University Associates, La Jolla, California.

Priest, S. and Baillie (1987) "Justifying the risk to others: The real razor's edge" Journal of Experiential Education 10 1, 16-22. [source: Flor, 1991]

Priest, S. (1987) Questions about research in adventure education for the 1990's (training event handout) Newton Rigg College, Cumbria, 1992.

Priest, S. and Gass, M. (1993) "Five Generations of Facilitated Learning from Adventure Experiences" The Journal of Adventure Education and Outdoor Leadership 10 3, 23-25.

Putnam, R.C. (1985) A Rationale for Outward Bound (pamphlet), Outward Bound, Rugby.

Quinn, M. (Ed.) (1991) "Outdoor Training" (Editorial/Communique) Training and Development June 1991, The Institute of Training and Development.

Reason, P. and Rowan, J. (1981) Human Inquiry : A Sourcebook of New Paradigm Research, Wiley.

Reason, P. (1988) Human Inquiry in Action Sage, London.

Revans, R. (1980) Action Learning: New Techniques for Management Blond and Briggs Ltd. [see the more recent ABC of Action Learning]

Richards, G.E. (1984) Principles, Techniques and Developments in Evaluating Outward Bound and related Learning-by-Experience Programmes: A Perspective Australian Association for Research in Education National Conference, Perth, November 1984.

Robertson, P. (Ed.) (1993) The Original HRD Quarterly 8 1 (learning resources catalogue)

Rogers, C. (1969) Freedom to Learn: A view of what education might become C.E. Merrill, Columbus, Ohio.

Salmon, P. (1985) Living in Time: A New Look at Personal Development J.M. Dent and Sons, Aldine House, London.

Simons, T. quoted in "Adventure Training" pp87-91 [chapter from an untraced book]

Smith, P.B. (1980) Group Process and Personal Change, Harper and Row

Smith, A.J. and Smith, I.G. (1994) "The Process of Management Education: An Innovative Approach to Outcomes Evaluation" Management Learning 25, 4, 527-542, London.

Snell, R.S. (1987a) "Graduating from the School of Hard Knocks?" conference paper presented at Rediscovering Development: the Future in Practice University of Lancaster, September 1987.

Snell, R.S. (1987b) "Turning Bad Times into Good Times and Good Times into Better Ones", Group Relations Training Association Bulletin, Winter 1987, 15-19, (reprinted in Industrial and Commercial Training Vol. 21, March/April 1989, 13-18.)

Snell, R.S. (1987c) "Congenial Ways of Learning: So Near and Yet So Far" Journal of Management Development 9 1, 17-23.

Snell, R.S. (1988) Learning at Work: Some Guidance For Managers in Local Government (booklet) Local Government Training Board, Luton.

Strong, S. (1992) "Users in the Driving Seat" Care Weekly 7/2/92.

Stuart, R. (1984) "Maximising Managers' Day to Day Learning: Frameworks for the Practice of Learning Interventions" Chapter 13 in Cox, J. and Beck, C. (Eds.) (1984) Management Development: Advances in Theory and Practice Wiley, Chichester.

Temporal P., and Boydell, T. (c.1976) "Barriers to Learning" (untraced magazine article) pp.154-155, based on a more detailed classification and discussion of blocks to learning in Temporal, P. The Foundation of Management Education Research and Development Programme - A First Report Regional Management Centre, Sheffield City Polytechnic.

Temporal, P. (1978) "The Nature of Non-Conntrived Learning and its Implications for Management Development" Management Education and Development 9, 93-99.

Temporal, P. and Boydell, T. (1981) Helping Managers to Learn Sheffield City Polytechnic, Occasional Paper No. 1.

Teschner, D.P. and Wolter, J.J. (1984) "How to Improve the Hiring, Training, and Professional Development of Staff" Journal of Experiential Education

The Outdoor Source Book 93/94, Adventure Education, Penrith, Cumbria.

Wagner, R.J., Baldwin, T.T., and Roland, C.C. "Outdoor Training: Revolution or Fad?" Training and Development Journal March 1991, 51-56.

Warner, A. (1990) "Program Evaluation: Past Present and Future" Journal of Experiential Education Association for Experiential Education, Boulder, Colorado.

Warner, A. (1984) "How to Creatively Evaluate Programs", Journal of Experiential Education, Association for Experiential Education, Boulder, Colorado.

Weil, S.W. and McGill, I. (Eds.) (1989) Making Sense of Experiential Learning: diversity in theory and practice, The Society for Research into Higher Education and Open University Press, Buckingham.

Williams, M. "Making the Most of the Outdoors" Transition July 1990, 14-19.

Wilson, D.K. (1988) A Grounded Study of the Written Reflections of Managers on their Approach to their real Time Work Problems (thesis) University of Lancaster.

David Kolb's Big Bibliography

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