How to make a link from your web page Need help? just ask!

TEXT LINK Copy and paste this code (or similar) into your web page:
<b><a href="">Active Reviewing Guide at</a></b><br> Free tips, tools, articles for dynamic experiential learning.
The result will look something like this:

    Active Reviewing Guide at
    Free tips, tools, articles, for dynamic experiential learning.
IMAGE + TEXT LINK Do you want a more colourful link? Here's how: 
• Click your right mouse button on the image below. Select 'Save picture/image as …'.
• Save the '' file to the same directory as your web page.
• Copy and paste the code below (or similar) into your web page.
<a href=""> <img align=left border=0 height=40 width=40 hspace=10 vspace=2 src="" alt="[ACTIVE REVIEWING]"> Guide to Active Reviewing ~</a><br> Free tips, tools, articles for dynamic experiential learning.
The result will look something like this:

[ACTIVE REVIEWING] Guide to Active Reviewing ~
Free tips, tools, articles for dynamic experiential learning.

Please tell me you've linked and if your site is about active learningremember to ask for a link back.



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